So often we are up in our heads during sex or self-pleasure. We’re not truly dropped into our bodies—which takes practice, and sometimes, trauma healing. We’re running a to-do list in our heads, or worried about how we look, if we’re going to have an orgasm.
Masturbation can be ... joyful!
Lately my practice is to celebrate every bit of pleasure I’m feeling in self-pleasure (aka conscious masturbation).
You might be like, duh. That’s what the whole thing is about.
But if you’re an overthinker like me ... or have a wound around getting things right, your thoughts as you near climax might be more like: “I really hope I have an epic orgasm.” …
Sex and Sobriety
When sexual pleasure feels out of reach
Have you ever had an orgasm that you’ve judged as not big enough while you’re having it?! Oh girl. I’ve been there. And judgment closes everything down. It takes you away from the sensation in your body. Here’s how to move toward more pleasure in your conscious masturbation practice (and with a partner).
Honoring Your Boundaries (The Importance of Stopping & Pausing During Sex)
How to give a yoni massage
How to know what you like, and tell your lover what you want
I want to let you know, if you’re not sure what you like or how to express it, you're not doing anything wrong. As women, we aren't socialized to know what we want, and to ask for it. In fact, we're socialized to please. Compound that with the messages we got around sexuality (it's wrong, it's bad, good girls don't). Read on for how to discover yourself.
From Compulsive and Numb ... to Ecstatic and Alive
Quickly, using the egg, and doing the exercises from the course, began to wake me up to a new turn-on and bliss. Instead of just being turned on in my clitoris, I began to feel a juicy aliveness all over. My eyes would roll back in my head during practices, as I felt the sexual energy move from my sacral chakra all the way up to the top of my head. My third eye would buzz, before I even knew what a third eye was. And yes, my vagina felt stronger, but also more supple. Alive. Sensational. Wetter (something I'd struggled with for years).